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Dive into Sterling on the Lake

Home for Sale - Sold - Sign

27 August . 2019

Serious Renter Regret

Owning a home may come with its unique set of responsibilities, but renters are the ones typically regretting their living situation .According to the Zillow Housing Aspirations Report, across major cities,87% of renters have at least one regret about their home, compared to 72% of homeowners.Specifically, in the Atlanta area, the top regrets include having no ability to build equity, high renting cost, and no opportunity to remodel.

Top Renter Regrets in Atlanta:

  • Renting prevents me from earning equity
  • Rent is too high
  • Can’t customize or improve the property
  • Lack of private, outdoor space
  • Too small
  • Undesirable home finishes or layout
  • Undesirable location
  • Pet ownership is too limited


Owning a home certainly builds an added sense of security and allows for personalization of one’s space.If you are looking to transition from renting to owning, the Sterling on the Lake team is here to help!Give us a call at (770)967-9777 or stop by our Information Center to begin looking for your dream home.